1. Getting Started

1.1. Requirements

PhpZone requires PHP 5.3 or higher.

1.2. Installation

Installation is provided via Composer, if you don’t have it, do install:

$ curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php

then PhpZone can be added into your dependencies by:

$ composer require --dev phpzone/phpzone 0.2.*

or add it manually into your composer.json:

    "required-dev": {
        "phpzone/phpzone": "0.2.*"

1.3. Configuration file

The configuration file phpzone.yml is the alpha and omega of this tool and its format is YAML.

1.3.1. Creating the configuration file

Default location of the config file is a root of a project where PhpZone should be used.

You can create phpzone.yml manually or run:

$ vendor/bin/phpzone --init

which would automatically create the phpzone.yml in the project folder.


If the phpzone.yml already exists, it will not be overwritten.

1.3.2. Custom path

There is also provided an option for the custom path. You can just basically use:

$ vendor/bin/phpzone --config path/to/config.yml

1.3.3. Definitions

The file can contain none or each of the following definitions:

imports Optional Including another files.
extensions Optional Register all required extensions and their configurations included

One example rules them all:

    - { resource: relative/path/to/file_1.yml } # key "resource" is required!
    - { resource: relative/path/to/another/file_2.yml }
    Namespace\Foo\ClassFoo: ~ # simple registration of an extension without any value
        some_key: some_value
        - value 1 of an array
        - value 2 of an array


Every extension has it’s own configuration values and their structure depends on the specification of the extension. For more details follow instructions according the extension.