2. Basic Commands

2.1. List of commands

There is a command to display all available commands:

$ vendor/bin/phpzone
# or
$ vendor/bin/phpzone list

2.2. Initialize config file

In case of new project or new implementation it can be useful to let PhpZone generate the configuration file by:

$ vendor/bin/phpzone --init


If the phpzone.yml already exists, it will not be overwritten.

2.3. Custom config path

There is also provided an option for the custom path for the configuration file. You can just basically use:

$ vendor/bin/phpzone --config path/to/config.yml
# or
$ vendor/bin/phpzone -c path/to/config.yml

2.4. Shell environment

Shell environment provides an interactive environment with full support of history and auto-complete commands. Very useful when there are more defined commands and the developer often switches between them.

$ vendor/bin/phpzone --shell
# or
$ vendor/bin/phpzone -s

2.5. Help

Help can be called for general application or for specific command. It will show all available arguments, options or help description of command if defined.

$ vendor/bin/phpzone help <COMMAND>
# or
$ vendor/bin/phpzone -h <COMMAND>