
PhpZone is a generic tool for the easy creation of YAML configured console applications. Its primary purpose is to provide a centralized automation tool for developers to simplify development workflow. Basically it is a wrapper around commands to provide a unified command line tool.


As it’s built on Symfony components without rapid custom modifications, it can be used as an application skeleton for any individual commands.


Its power is based on simplicity of centralized configuration via YAML and main value comes from extensions.

Basic Usage

An example speaks a hundred words so let’s go through one.

Create a phpzone.yml file in the root of a project:

    PhpZone\Shell\Shell: # register an extension with a configuration
            - vendor/bin/behat
            - vendor/bin/phpunit
            - vendor/bin/phpspec

and run:

$ vendor/bin/phpzone tests

As you would expect, the configuration contains the definition for the command tests and when you run it, all defined sub-commands will be executed.


The PhpZone\Shell\Shell extension is not a part of the phpzone/phpzone package, but an aside project based on PhpZone. More info in a chapter dedicated to official extensions.